Having a friend that shares the same passion makes learning and growing a much easier task. The help of a good friend and being able to give advice/help in return is what makes me grow continuously everyday. Like I said in my about me, I thank God for Claudia! She has been such a blessing in my journey as a photographer. Do not get me wrong, I have figured out the odds, ends, and a lot of the hard parts on my own. Claudia though, she has been there every step of the way- answering any questions I may have had, clearing my confusion, and explaining things I did not understand. She has taught me so much as a photographer, as a person and has done more than I could ever repay her for! I do not think I would be where I am today if it was not for her. I would not have found myself as a photographer as soon as I did and would certainly not be as knowledgable as I am at this point.
It was a great experience being able to meet another photographer, Jodie. I do not have very many friends that are photographers so having a friend of Claudia's join us on our adventure was such a pleasure! I love meeting new people.