The Blooms Are Upon Us


Many families plan their "annual family photo" in the fall. Fall is one of my favorite times of the year so I get that. However, I cannot get enough of the bright colors that come out of spring time. The blooms only last a few weeks which is the only downfall of wanting those vibrant colors. If you'd like to book a spring session now would be the time!

CLICK HERE to inquire about a spring session.

HOLIDAY MINI SESSION- No Longer Booking, the date has past

HOLIDAY MINI SESSIONS ARE UPON US! And will be delivered (In my perspective) ON TIME for Christmas cards!

Scheduled date: November 13, 2016. Scheduled date to receive your photos: November 17, 2016

I want to give a HUGE thank you to Hilary Prall with Rustopia Consulting for lending me some of the festive props that contributed to this set! Rustopia is an interior decorating business. Check her out on Facebook and book a restyle with her today. In fact, if you mention hearing from Katie Sue you will receive 10% off of your home restyle! The props I already have combined with Rustopia's collaboration made this set practically free! That is a great thing, my friends.

CHECK OUT the Events (<< Click here) page for more information.

The Huff Family | Fall Edition

I have known these little boys since they were small, cute, learning how to eat food, learning how to speak, walk, and more (even before there were TWO)! To see how much they've grown in the last few years blows me away. The Huff family has always been so kind to me. It is a pleasure to know them and I have been blessed to be able to hang out with Carter and Beckley when they were younger. Capturing their candid moments is so special as you can see in the photographs. I hope you all enjoy this beautiful family session as much as I do! Share share share. check out my Facebook page for more session previews and more single shots of the Huffs!

logo HUFF-COLLAGE3.jpg

GARRETT & SARAH | Engagement

I am so happy that Garrett and Sarah chose me as their photographer for engagement photos. These high school sweethearts were certainly made for each other- that's for sure!. It's a glimpse of how our session went. Laughs, genuine smiles, and lots of love between these two! I wish you two a very happy destination wedding. I hope you all enjoy these photos. There are more great photos that are not showcased here. Sarah and Garrett can share those on their own.

Goodnight all!

-Photography By Katie Sue | LTAL



The photo on the left is perfect! So real for those three. I love it. The rock? Mr. Evan found that on the bottom of the creek while we were all skipping rocks. I love that too. And him.

The photo on the left is perfect! So real for those three. I love it. The rock? Mr. Evan found that on the bottom of the creek while we were all skipping rocks. I love that too. And him.

Our minds just did not go where they were supposed to that day. It was a very late drive to Minnesota the night before (and into the morning) and a very early morning picking up Zakk from camp this same day. We did not even think to bring the boys' swimming suits so Zakk has Evan's extra shorts on and poor Wyatt has my shorts on that I threw in the car for an extra. As long as it meant they could play in the creek- they really didn't mind!

The only time I get in front of the camera is when one of these three are brave enough to get behind it. They are all my photographers in training. Zakk stepped out for this one so that I could be in a photo-&nbsp;like I had any trouble talking him …

The only time I get in front of the camera is when one of these three are brave enough to get behind it. They are all my photographers in training. Zakk stepped out for this one so that I could be in a photo- like I had any trouble talking him into NOT being in a photo!

The photo on the right of Evan and Zakk laughing? You'll never imagine what Wyatt could have done to cause this much laughter between the four of us. Unfortunately,&nbsp;that will have to stay a mystery for all of you!

The photo on the right of Evan and Zakk laughing? You'll never imagine what Wyatt could have done to cause this much laughter between the four of us. Unfortunately, that will have to stay a mystery for all of you!

This photo is above but much prettier when enlarged.

This photo is above but much prettier when enlarged.

We enjoyed our time here at Minnehaha Falls. We walked/hiked the trails, played in the creek, and got to see the best view of the waterfall. There is no doubt that we will be visiting this again sometime but first we would like to check some other "to do while in MN" activities off of the list. We are thinking Fort Snelling or the Mill City Museum if we can fit it in next time. Have any of you been there? Any suggestions?

Ryan + Steph // Wedding 2016

Ryan and Steph chose me to capture their big day! I cannot express how grateful I am that they trusted me as their photographer knowing that this would be my very first time photographing a wedding. I am glad that I have gotten to know Ryan and Steph between their engagement shoot and their wedding day. Witnessing love come together is a beautiful thing. These photos show just how special their wedding day was and all of the laughs and enjoyment that came with it. Again, thank you so much Ryan and Steph! I wish you two the best! I am beyond happy with the outcome of these photos.

[I apologize for the delay in posting this blog. There was some difficulty while uploading]


..And then there was a Mr. AND a Mrs. Ryan Fedders!

This is a slideshow of a few additional photos. Click the photo furthest to the left to scroll.

Family Time | Venturing Out

JUST TWO LITTLE BOYS {My favorite little boys; Zakk, Wyatt}. JUST ONE MAN {My lovely boyfriend; Evan}. JUST ONE PHOTOGRAPHER {Me hehe}. JUST THIS THIS BEAUTIFUL GOD-GIVEN CREATION {Earth}. JUST EXPLORING {That's us}.

{Boys will be boys} ..but I still love these three

{Boys will be boys} ..but I still love these three

One of my favorite photos of this little boy that I have ever taken. {Wyatt, age 7}

One of my favorite photos of this little boy that I have ever taken. {Wyatt, age 7}

He wants to be just like daddy. With everything-all the time. In fact, both of the boys do. The clothes they wear, the the things they like, the activities they want to do, the goals they strive for and the things they succeed in all come from their…

He wants to be just like daddy. With everything-all the time. In fact, both of the boys do. The clothes they wear, the the things they like, the activities they want to do, the goals they strive for and the things they succeed in all come from their will to be like their father. I always laugh when it comes into play but I actually adore it.

No Wyatt. Nobody wants to smell your armpit. We now assume that is what he was going for but at the time none of us were sure! Silly boys.

No Wyatt. Nobody wants to smell your armpit. We now assume that is what he was going for but at the time none of us were sure! Silly boys.

{We like to be silly. We like to have fun}

{We like to be silly. We like to have fun}

All three of them wish they were super heroes on the daily.

They all three wish they were super heroes on the daily.

{Evan James}

{Evan James}

I'm so proud of Zakk (not pictured). He is getting so good at using the camera! He secretly enjoys it but would probably never admit it to anyone. Wyatt shows interest too, he is always trying to learn how to use the camera and wanting to take photo…

I'm so proud of Zakk (not pictured). He is getting so good at using the camera! He secretly enjoys it but would probably never admit it to anyone. Wyatt shows interest too, he is always trying to learn how to use the camera and wanting to take photos. They are my photographer's in training!

Me and my sweetie.

Me and my sweetie.

Chelsi & Cody | Engagement

Engagement sessions are one of my favorites because the love of two people are shown through photographs. When I am lucky enough to capture that for someone I find it amazingly beautiful. Chelsi and Cody have been made for each other since the moment they met. I cannot wait to see where this life takes them together. I could not be happier for the two of you! Thank you so much for choosing me to help share your love.

Venturing Out; OCTOBER 2015

(FYI: If viewing on a mobile phone the colors of the photos may result in being more dull than usual)

Photography is beyond just a job or a passion for me. It is my life. Some photographers do it for the money, some do it to try it out, but those who truly have a gift will stick to it. Those people are the ones who continue the art and create their own style. I have met few photographers that I consider to be in this category. On a side note I admit that I do not know a lot of photographers on a personal level. I do know that Claudia Thompson (of Claudia Thompson Photography) is one of those photographers. Since she is my biggest inspiration, you can read a little bit more about her in the "WHOAMI?" section of my website. I have to give her credit for the photo of myself on that page! 

Claudia, Claudia's friend Jodie, and I all went to capture mother nature at the most beautiful time of year: Fall! As disappointing as it sounds, the colors of the leaves were not at the state of changing just quite yet, but it was not disappointing to us at all. We got a TON of great shots. We shot a lot of photos of each other for personal use. Every photographer loves a photo with their gear or an "in-action" photo! The photos of the park turned out awesome as well. There is nothing greater than being able to capture the sun shining through the trees. Capturing something like that and being able to see the beauty of this Earth- you just want to think to yourself, 'How does someone not believe there is a God?' His creation is so magnificent.

Having a friend that shares the same passion makes learning and growing a much easier task. The help of a good friend and being able to give advice/help in return is what makes me grow continuously everyday. Like I said in my about me, I thank God for Claudia! She has been such a blessing in my journey as a photographer. Do not get me wrong, I have figured out the odds, ends, and a lot of the hard parts on my own. Claudia though, she has been there every step of the way- answering any questions I may have had, clearing my confusion, and explaining things I did not understand. She has taught me so much as a photographer, as a person and has done more than I could ever repay her for! I do not think I would be where I am today if it was not for her. I would not have found myself as a photographer as soon as I did and would certainly not be as knowledgable as I am at this point.

It was a great experience being able to meet another photographer, Jodie. I do not have very many friends that are photographers so having a friend of Claudia's join us on our adventure was such a pleasure! I love meeting new people.

Fall is here; Family Session

(FYI: If viewing on a mobile phone the colors of the photos may result in being more dull than usual)

FALL IS HERE! The leaves are beginning to change. I could not be more excited for upcoming sessions this month. The fall colors in this family session just make my heart happy. When I think of fall I think of scarves, boots, hats, and Starbucks- all of which make me smile. I am so ready for fall! The weather has started to show but the leaves have not quite made the "fall" debut yet. The images that came out of this session were so beautiful and the lighting was perfect. I could not help but share so many photos from this session! Yay for beautiful families.