(FYI: If viewing on a mobile phone the colors of the photos may result in being more dull than usual)
Photography is beyond just a job or a passion for me. It is my life. Some photographers do it for the money, some do it to try it out, but those who truly have a gift will stick to it. Those people are the ones who continue the art and create their own style. I have met few photographers that I consider to be in this category. On a side note I admit that I do not know a lot of photographers on a personal level. I do know that Claudia Thompson (of Claudia Thompson Photography) is one of those photographers. Since she is my biggest inspiration, you can read a little bit more about her in the "WHOAMI?" section of my website. I have to give her credit for the photo of myself on that page!
Claudia, Claudia's friend Jodie, and I all went to capture mother nature at the most beautiful time of year: Fall! As disappointing as it sounds, the colors of the leaves were not at the state of changing just quite yet, but it was not disappointing to us at all. We got a TON of great shots. We shot a lot of photos of each other for personal use. Every photographer loves a photo with their gear or an "in-action" photo! The photos of the park turned out awesome as well. There is nothing greater than being able to capture the sun shining through the trees. Capturing something like that and being able to see the beauty of this Earth- you just want to think to yourself, 'How does someone not believe there is a God?' His creation is so magnificent.
Having a friend that shares the same passion makes learning and growing a much easier task. The help of a good friend and being able to give advice/help in return is what makes me grow continuously everyday. Like I said in my about me, I thank God for Claudia! She has been such a blessing in my journey as a photographer. Do not get me wrong, I have figured out the odds, ends, and a lot of the hard parts on my own. Claudia though, she has been there every step of the way- answering any questions I may have had, clearing my confusion, and explaining things I did not understand. She has taught me so much as a photographer, as a person and has done more than I could ever repay her for! I do not think I would be where I am today if it was not for her. I would not have found myself as a photographer as soon as I did and would certainly not be as knowledgable as I am at this point.
It was a great experience being able to meet another photographer, Jodie. I do not have very many friends that are photographers so having a friend of Claudia's join us on our adventure was such a pleasure! I love meeting new people.